Poolside Portraits
The 15B Rule is unique and what distinguishes the Bondi Icebergs from other winter swimming clubs; a swimmer wanting to join the club must swim 3 Sundays a month for the winter season — from the first Sunday in May to the last Sunday in September — for a minimum of five years, or for a longer period of time until accruing 75 swims. If a Swimmer does not complete 3 swims in a month then they must write a letter (no email, text or phone) of explanation for their absence. Consistent failure to swim explanations may not be accepted at the absolute discretion of the Swim Committee. There are a few swimmers who have moved interstate or to other countries who write and excuse themselves, then pick up a swim whenever they are in Sydney in the winter. There are others who have had their membership terminated when they have not fulfilled their commitment. WATCH…More
Rex Walsh
Rex has lived in Bondi Beach since 1998. Having lived his early years in the outback of Far North West Queensland with the only source of (and amusement) being the local swimming pool, his love of the pool was ingrained in his DNA! Rex swims all year round without wet suit nor cap, possibly a product of growing up in the hottest spot in Queensland. The Pool has become the community this country boy craved living in Sydney. WATCH…More
Tasheel Sidhu
Tash learnt to swim at Bondi Icebergs in 2018. A year later, she joined Neil Roger’s swim squad and the Icebergs Winter swimming club. Tash swims in the pool all year around. She credits Icebergs for giving her more than just swimming — it’s brought her so much joy, fulfilment and an entire community who encourage and care for one another. She is a passionate advocate of, and volunteer at the club and hopes to encourage other migrants like her to become a part of the Icebergs community regardless of their age and swimming abilities. WATCH…More
Peter Long
Peter Long has been a member of the Bondi Icebergs for 19 years and has held the position of swimming vice-captain. Peter swims all year round and has represented the Bondi Icebergs at every national title since he joined the club. He also loves being part of the Icebergs swimming community. WATCH…More
Remo Giuffré
Remo became a swimming member in 1987… but didn’t actually complete his five seasons until 2007, due to a chunk of time living overseas. His morning Icebergs routine for a very long time begins with a sauna, followed by laps (10 or 20, never anything in between), and finishing off with a 7/8 latte drunk poolside at The Crabbe Hole. Remo is a longtime Bondi local, and in 2015, with his wife Melanie, founded Bondi Observer, a blog that celebrates the people, history and cultural diversity of Bondi, with a particular focus on the beach. WATCH…More
Bergs for Ukraine
Since February 2022, over 10,000 Ukrainians have arrived in Australia to escape their war-torn country. Many have come to New South Wales and some families have taken refuge in the Bondi area. Most of the people arriving are women with young children and the elderly. Bondi Icebergs Club planned several initiatives to help the newly arrived Ukrainian community in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. One of the early initiatives was ‘Learn to Swim’ classes for children and adults, as most of them have never seen the ocean before and have limited swimming skills. WATCH…More
The IceCubes club was established in 1985 to provide winter swimming for the under 18’s, and has grown to be the largest junior winter swimming club in Australia. WATCH
Merran Hughes
For Merran, a swim and a coffee with the crew on the Icebergs deck makes for a perfect day. Merran is a proud member of the Puffers, the Icebergs rough water crew. Nothing she likes better than a flat bay and spotting marine wild life in the chill winter water. Merran won a national winter swimming title, which was a pretty amazing moment. She hopes to finish her 75 swims one day, so fingers crossed! Merran is also a member of the Bondi Amateur Swimming Club, an illustrious summer club, which she loves as they also race the butterfly. WATCH…More
Tony Wall
Tony shares his ‘origin story’ — becoming a BBQ hero for the Icecubes, who receive a complimentary sausage on a roll post-swim. WATCH
Cooper Silk
Cooper recalls surfing off the bogey as a kid, with his dad calling the sets from the old clubhouse. WATCH
Johnny Hammond
Johnny races on a Sunday, head down, and fast. WATCH
Gavin and Dnita Batcheler
Dnita learned to swim in Australia. She and Gavin are regular swimmers and recent Bondi Icebergs members, working through the 5 year swim requirement. WATCH
Greg Parr
One minute I am just another social swimmer swimming his laps in this iconic pool, and the next I am being thrust into the world of this winter swimming club called quite simply ‘The Bergs’. 14 years later and I have never looked back. In that time I achieved well over the minimum 75 swims in 5 years requirement to becoming ‘a Berg’ and reaching a total of 104 which put me in the very exclusive ‘100+ swims in 5 years’ 100 Club, which is quite a feat of commitment, determination and perseverance. An active volunteer in both merchandise organisation and contribution to the very successful end of month Sundeck BBQ. I am also an avid member of the ‘Puffers Bay Swimmers’. A group of Bergs that swim the all up 1800m south to north and back, up to 6 days a week all year round. WATCH…More
Jenny Waterman and Janice Cranch
One of many swim friendships at the ‘Bergs, Jenny and Janice are year round swimmers, with lifelong memories of the Pool. WATCH
Karen Stott
The Pool is open to the waves of the ocean – a big sea sometimes means no swim. The joy of swimming in the winter squad and the community she swims are part of what has kept Karen swimming here across the last 20 years. WATCH
Andrew Crabbe
The man behind The Crabbe Hole Cafe, and supporter of the “Cultural Wing”. WATCH
Losoya Harkin
Losoya shares the contrast of a swimming childhood in Papua New Guinea, and being a long distance open water swimmer in adulthood. WATCH